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Thursday, October 23, 2008
These past 2 days it has been relatively interesting albeit a bit tiring. Haha.

During the 15 minutes break in which I was unconscious to the world, something horrible happened. Our chemistry lecturer stepped on a lizard's tail! And it really like broke off. Gosh. It looks so horrible. However, the lizard was still alive and continued wreaking havoc in the class. We had maths in the same room so we had another 1 hr with the lizard. The maths teacher like used his foot to 'move' the lizard to accompany him in front of the class. He damn funny. But also kinda weird.

Teacher: (8+10)/2=6

So I was like: er...teacher, is 9 not 6.

Teacher: Oh ya. Aiya. You all tilt your heads see the 9 la. I lazy change.

In the end he got change. But still!! Another good phrase I heard from him when he was telling us about the box-and-whiskers graph was: It's similar but totally different. Wth? Haha.

After GEMS I went clubroom to find the SPP guys to meet them for movies at cine. Max Payne. It was not bad. When I went in I didn't really know what the movie was about but it was quite easy to follow to plot. Kinda predicted who the prepetrator was. Movies have basically the same plot anyways.

So bought present, walked loads etc. Tiring day ended.

Practical. Teacher late for an hour. I HATE NEUTRALISATION! Grr..So after went to give out brochures during break. Felt super weird. Could feel my face heating up. Haha. But managed to give out all of them. Hope will have a really good response for SPMP. EVERYONE has worked hard for this! After school went back to clubroom then took posters to put around school. Dinner was hilarious! Go see xy's blog. I'm lazy to type it out. So there's about all for now. Ta~

i wanna slp early..

i've always been SANE.

9:16 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2008
This is gonna be a LONG post I think. Haven't been blogging lately and people are complaining. Haha. Told y'all I probably won't be consistent in blogging. Ok, so throughout the holidays, I spent 24 days in total rotting at home. Defination of rotting: never even step out of the house one single step. Finished another series during this time and finishing 2 more soon.

Finished anime: PARADISE KISS

Yukari is a typical high-school student who listens to her parents and attends school everyday. As she starts to question her way of life, she encounters a group of fashion design students who has a clothing label known as "Paradise Kiss". The group needs to find a model to showcase their designs in an up-coming fashion show and decides to pick Yukari instead. Initially, Yukari was reluctant to be associated with this seemingly eccentric group, but eventually, she realises that they are really nice people. Furthermore, their passion and enthusiasm to follow their ideals and dreams make Yukari realise that she has not been enjoying her life and this motivated her to pursue her own dreams.
[taken from

As usual, here's the part of the first episode.

There's only a total of 12 episodes in this series. So yeah. Here's the rest. I don't feel like blogging anymore so there. Don't ask me why I only blog about anime. I dunno what else to blog about. Until next time. Ta~

i've always been SANE.

7:30 PM

my BRAIN has NO SCREWS, so you can't TELL me i have a LOOSE SCREW.

SE W705 phone
nice BIG bags
more SHOES~
more NICEE clothes?


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Amanda Dawn Dionne Donovan Eileen Eric HongYang Kelvin Minna Rachel SuanJoo TanMin XinYi ZhuQing SPP

what i had!
|August 2008|
|September 2008|
|October 2008|
|November 2008|
|December 2008|
|January 2009|
|February 2009|
|March 2009|
|April 2009|
|May 2009|
|June 2009|
|July 2009|
|November 2009|

thank yous!
|adobe photoshop|