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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Went to Vivo for class outing after lessons. The maths teacher wasn't half bad. Finished using all my McDonald vouchers also. After lunch, we randomly walked around. Finally we told the rest we wanted to go shopping already. That was what we initially planned anyways. Walked...walked...nothing fitted what we were looking for. Sigh. Sales everywhere but nothing to buy. Walked so much today that I felt like puking. So darn annoying. How am I able to shop in peace like that? Stupid weak body. Oh! I saw qr and kel there also. What a coincidence! Haha.

Anyways I downloaded and started playing O2 Jam already. It's not as nice as the original one but it's on the way. I don't care as long as I can play. Haha.

Tmr gonna continue shopping with mum. Good thing about that? She pays for my purchases. =P Yes. I'm THAT bad.

Gonna go play O2 Jam now. The server's weird. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Some more they said the server's only up for 12 hrs.

should I get myself a teacup?

i've always been SANE.

10:37 PM

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Back from school! So tired cause only had like a couple hours or so of sleep last night. Still having problems sleeping. Zz...tired but can't get to sleep is a horrible thing. Still can't download the client. Grr...frustrated already. Try and try still cannot. Whatever. I already posted on the forum to complain. Haha.

Today got back another chemistry paper and I got the same marks as biophysics. Lol. Thought we would get back BSBM paper but P forgot he was taking over E's lesson so he came to class empty-handed. Everyone was so sleepy in class and the guys from 23 slept right in front of the teacher I think.

We used up $15 of the McDonald vouchers for breakkie after practical. 1 hashbrown was found to be 'dead' after our meal.

The 'corpse'
[picture taken by Chong]

The killer smeared grape jam in the shape of a smiley face, leaving her traditional trademark on the body. Oh, how diabolical she is! LOL. Btw, I'm not the one who did this.

Tmr supposedly to have a class outing after lessons but not sure what they want to do. Anyways I'll be going shopping with Eileen! Yay! I need to restock my wardrobe. I'm getting sick of wearing the same old things over and over again. The amount of money I have will be: Now you see it, now you don't. Haha. Just got my allowance today but not sure how much. Might be all gone tmr~ Yes, I'm a incorrigible spendthrift. I spare no coins in the presence of shopping. Haha. I'm trying to save~ but everything seems so necessary.

Gonna play game and watch anime already. Bye bye~

actions speak louder than words. or do they not?

i've always been SANE.

3:44 PM

Monday, December 29, 2008
Sigh. I so do not want to go school. It makes me depressed that I have to go in about an hour's time. 3 weeks of holidays just like that, gone. They say good times pass fast huh? Or something like that. Haha. I better start preparing to go out otherwise I'll be late again. But it's raining..so nice to sleep in. Darn. Whatever.

[12.00 pm]
In school now. It's so freaking noisy. Feeling better now after eating. But still sleepy. Guess my internal clock still not switched back to school mode yet. Supposed to do report but as usual, none of us are doing. Wonder should I sleep a while?

Anyways, there's something wrong with my lappy's battery. Always say around 50% left then after a while auto switch off cause no batt left. Wth? Darn. Batteries are ex la. But like that need to bring adapter out everytime. Or borrow from Liyi. =P

[10.30 pm]
Found O2 Jam! But cannot download. Don't know what server they using. Like shit. Darn. Any kind souls wanna help me? LINKIE. Thank you in advance. =D

I forgot what I want to blog about already. Sigh. Oh ya. Today only had X's class. He took both lessons cause he couldn't make it for the next 2 weeks. The more he TRIED to explain the lesson, the more confusing it got. Seriously. It would be so much more effective if he were to write down the key points. But no~ he used a disk to explain EVERYTHING. Waving it around, etc etc. Someone asked whether he could repeat the keypoints and his answer? NO. -.-

Didn't get to work on my carousel in the end cause was packing up stuff and by the time already like 12 plus. Sigh. I do so crave for a piano. My fingers are itchy. Hehe. Maybe some day. Maybe. =(

So that's about it for my first day. Oh. Got back biophysics paper also. Did ok on it but could have been better. =)

depression is now a thing of the past. for now that is.

i've always been SANE.

8:38 AM

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Couldn't get to sleep last night again. Don't know what time then I managed to sleep. But kinda felt like I didn't sleep at all. So when my mum called me to eat lunch then I woke up. Went back sleep after eating. Haha. Still kinda tired though.

Report still not yet completed. Bleahs. Really don't like doing. Tmr lesson's start at 3. Straight to biophysics. Wonder will we get our papers back? Plus I'm still scared about how our Maths teacher will be like. If she's very strict then I'm a goner. Mr Lim!! I want you back! Excel test excel test..haven't practise yet. *dies*

Oh wells. Last day of holidays spent rotting as usual. How exciting. -.- Back to report. Ta~

I just realised I didn't get to do my carousel today! Didn't even touch it! =( Shall go make a bit later.

my eyes are open but i'm not seeing anything.

i've always been SANE.

9:56 PM

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Been having weird dreams lately. Last night was a sad one. *cries* Woke up feeling so sad la. Gah. But lucky just a dream. Stupid dream-generating part of my brain. Cannot let me have happy dreams is it? Grr...

Holidays ending already. Sigh. So fast. Plus I'm only halfway through with my carousel. Need to remember to print my biophysics notes also. Otherwise forget again. I don't even know why are we still having biophysics lesson. Assignments - 50% [completed] and MST - 50% [also completed]. So basically there's not much point in continuing with the module right? Oh wells. I don't mind X's lesson that much but G's simply @#$@$%#. Everytime ask us answer questions. It's not whether the answer is correct or wrong, it's about how you present it. Everything's presentation to him. -.- Hope he doesn't read this. Lol. I shall shorten the names even more. =P

I want a new pillow too! My pillow's gone flat! I prefer fluffy fluffy pillows. =X And I realise why I had a bit of insomnia last time. Cause changed new blanket then not used to it I guess. Used back my old one can sleep again. =D

Nova from Bleach is so darn cute. Maybe I should go see whether I can find a plushie of him and add it to my collection. Hehe. My mum's gonna complain again. Put so many toys on the bed. =P

I go watch teewee already. Toodles!

i want to wake up happy!

i've always been SANE.

9:10 PM

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Finally got to make my pancakes but forgot only had choco milk. So..I used that instead. It's still milk anyways. Haha. Made too many so cannot finish. Will eat them tmr. =P

I feel like going to art galleries. I think they're cool. Of course I hope they have pretty or interesting pieces in there not some weird abstract art or what. Haha.

Christmas is ending in about 2 hours time. Been sleeping so very 'early' these couple of days. Watching Bleach. =P I'm already at episode 60! An unexpected twist to the story came up. Hee~

I didn't go to any party or go out at all this christmas thus I have nothing more to blog about. Tata!

and it repeats over and over again.

i've always been SANE.

10:09 PM

or any other creatures who somehow knows how to use a pc AND reads my blog. =P

i've always been SANE.

12:00 AM

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve huh? Not much different for me. Haha. Still rotting. Just 5 more days till school starts. Sigh. My reports...I shall go do now. *whines* I don't wanna do!

Don't feel like blogging today. So this post shall be short. Reports here I come...whee.. -.-

just grin and bear it.

i've always been SANE.

10:13 PM

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Holy crap! It's already 7 plus. I didn't even realise. Gosh. Watching bleach. Hehe. It's nice. But so many episodes. @@ I'm only at episode 17. Started last night when I got home. Haha. I think that time when I was addicted to Naruto was worst. 20+ episodes a day. Whee~ I'm an anime freak. Sue me. =P

My house has like...nothing to eat already. Gosh. I'm gonna starve!! But fret not. There's always rice. With icky bugs in them. -_- My mum says they're harmless but it's so gross. Rice bugs or dunno what. Don't know how they get there but eventually they do. Weird. That's another reason why I always ask my mum to cook rice for me. I don't want to see those bugs so maybe I'll forgot they exist. Haha. Whatever.

Bleach bleach bleach! Here I come!


i've always been SANE.

7:11 PM

Monday, December 22, 2008
Back from outside. Twilight was...kinda boring. Since I just finish reading the book like a couple of days ago. Gah. Should have gone with watching Yes Man since I went home at 11 plus anyways. So for those of you who have read the book, I don't recommend the movie. You'll find yourself constantly comparing the book and the movie, for me at least, and the book will still turn out to be better. So save the money and watch some other movies instead. But for the rest of them, they said it was nice cause they hadn't read the book yet. I RECOMMEND THE BOOK.

So so. Tmr...rotting again. Need to do reports already. Cannot continue dragging. Plus the date for the excel test is confirmed so I need to PRACTISE! Argh.

So bye now. I go surf net and maybe watch show online already. 3 more days...

nothing seems to interest me anymore...

i've always been SANE.

11:59 PM

Whee~ later going out for dinner and movie! Finally I can get out of the house and go buy my things also. I shall go make a list so I know what to buy.

Still got a lot of parts to cut out of the carousel and I also need to buy more cards to print the template. Gah. Money money.

I'm so tempted to buy concession so I can waste them but I'm also not going out much. Oh wells. I'll buy it when school starts. Which is like in only 6 DAYS! *faints* Anyways can't school start on like Jan or something? 29 Dec is like so weird. There's New Year's Eve and New Year then go back school again. Weird lor. Gah.

And I keep forgetting about the excel test. I need to go practise. I think I forgot most of them already. Mathcad is so much easier and the steps more detailed in the booklet. Oh wait. Excel don't even have steps inside. If you don't listen in class then that's it. T_T

I'll go make my list now. Be back later!

obsession is dangerous...

i've always been SANE.

2:32 PM

Sunday, December 21, 2008
So very sick of staying at home. Finished reading Twilight at 4.30am yesterday. Or rather, today morning. Haha. It's very very nice. For those of you who haven't read it or never heard of it *rolls eyes*, go check it out. I'll be waiting for Noorul to lend me the second book of the series. Haha. Did I mention that she lent me the book? It's just gonna be too long to wait for the book to be available in the library. No money to buy the whole series also.

I saw in the news that people in I forgot where, would rather raise up dogs than raise up kids, and the ratio of dogs and children is seriously shocking. I forgot how much but the numbers are high.

Oh. another news. People who sleep MORE or LESS than 9 hours a day will somehow cause damage to the heart. -_- Our bodies are like so fragile. This cannot, that cannot. Gah. Whatever.

The newsperson used the word 'double-whammy'...ok... News is pretty interesting after all.

Started to cut out the parts for carousel. Haha. You'll know what I'm doing when I'm done with it! =P But I still can't my craft knife. Bleahs. =(

4 more days to Christmas! Counting down...

and they finally stopped...for now.

i've always been SANE.

10:10 PM

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Ahh!! I LOVE Mozart's pieces. Haha. Went to see the clip link from Kel's wp and heard it. So nice~ then I heard a few more classicals. Why my classical cd no have those pieces? Hmph. Shall get it somehow.

Spent my day at home. Again. Gah. I can't remember what I did last sat already. Oh ya. Zoo outing. Ella Enchanted on tv now. Nice movie. Haha.

Slept at almost 4am yesterday. Whee~ even later than usual. Was reading Twilight. Nice book. 3/5 through with it already. Fast eh? Started reading last night only wor. Finally another book that engross me enough to forgo sleep. Kinda. So hard to find a really good book.

Dreamless night as expected. When I say I wanna have nice dreams, I don't get any. Woke at 8am, went to sleep again and woke finally at 12pm.

Ehs..again got nothing to write about already. Oh! Tm, when you wanna come over SP for bowling? Say wanna come over then so long liao still no time. Haha.

And...that's it then. Back to the show!

Listening to instrumentals now. Very nice too. Soothing you can say. Music you can get lost in. I could listen to it all day. Sigh. I'm bored. I'm going back to the book. Ta.

I wonder how will it feel to get drunk. Pity I don't like the taste of alcohol.

you don't know because i won't say.

i've always been SANE.

7:39 PM

Friday, December 19, 2008
I felt like I ate a lot today. Or maybe just more than usual. Been doing a bit of this and that throughout the day but none of them was work. Seriously I've got no motivation to do the reports. I know I should finish them up ASAP so I can relax and do whatever I want until school starts but I just don't feel like doing.

I keep feeling tired. Must be all the sleeping at 3am thing that is getting to me. I always tell myself I want to sleep early today but I still end up sleeping at 3.

I wanna eat sweets~ not those normal ones you find in supermarkets or what but those in candy shops. Sigh. There're no such shops in Singapore. Saw something like that in Vivo last time but what a disappointment that was. The sweets are like so so only and quite a lot of them were melting. Seriously. Heard there were nice candy stores in England? Still can't forget the time in secondary school where our chinese teacher gave us each a sweet from England I think. She went there during the holidays and were so kind to share them with us. =)

How time flies. The year will be ending soon and a new year will start. New year new beginnings! Haha. Since I've been at home the entire day, there is nothing much to write about. Had a nice dream last night. =) I wanna have a nice dream tonight too!

So that's all for today. Tune in tmr for more! =P

when the clock strikes 11...

i've always been SANE.

8:53 PM

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Met Amanda at Cathay for movie today. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Missed the first part of the show again. Haha. The movie is funny and good if you just want to relax and have some laughs. But like Amanda pointed out, there wasn't much of a plot. Oh wells. I don't really care about it. Sometimes. =P

Went to the arcade, as usual, after the movie and played bball machines! Almost broke one machine's record but didn't. Sadded. =( Oh! When we were playing daytona again, cause Amanda wanted to win me, these 2 guys go tap their cards and join us. -.- Anyways we won. Hah! Lousy. Fast foward more bball and daytona then we headed home.

For lady gamers, you can head over to PC bunk over at Dhoby Ghaut located just beside the arcade at the station for free gaming from 10am - 3pm! This promotion will be on till 1st Jan 2009 so if you're interested, you can head over there. I'm not sure whether other places have this promo but I don't care. Why go all the way there when you can play in the comfort of your own home? Haha.

Anyways, got the tablet from Amanda already and was playing with it just now. Kinda bored with it already. Might not be getting myself one after all. Hmm...anyways, I don't know how to draw... -.-

Watching Christmas with the Kranks on tv now. Quite funny. Watched before once ages before. And...I forgot what I want to say already. So that's all for today! I'm tired. =( I'm getting old.

Night night people!

christmas is just but another day...

i've always been SANE.

10:54 PM

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Ended up not baking again. Not enough ingredients for the one I wanted to make. But I'm heading out tmr! *gasp* Excited! LOL. Made my usual mix of chocolate to eat instead. Can't get enough of it. Haha. Milk chocos + white chocos. Yum yum. Did you know that white chocolate is in fact, not really chocolate? I don't know how to explain so you can go read wiki if you want to. But basically, chocolates are made of:
[taken from wikipedia]

The higher amount of cocoa content, the healthier it is. But dark chocolates are bitter..bleahs. I'll choose milk/white chocos anytime over dark ones. Heck care about healthy. =P

Have you ever noticed how the sunlight filters through the trees sometimes? Like when you're on the expressway in the morning [7 ~ 8am?] and there are those trees along the road? Something like this:

Pretty ain't it? And no, I didn't get out of the car just to get this shot. It was taken last year and I was trying to see whether I can get that amazing view on a photo. Tweaked a bit on picasa and photoshop to make it nicer.

Tmr off to Cathay with Amanda to catch Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist! Hope she don't last minute cancel again. Gonna get tablet from her too. Hopefully. Haha.

Oh my. I just realised how very much work I have to do before school starts. I haven't touched on the reports and there's the excel test after the hols. PLUS, discussion cafe! AHH!! *faints*

I shall start a bit on the reports now but I'm actually kinda tired. I know it's still early. Must be all the staring at the screen that's making my eyes tired. Couldn't be all the work I hadn't done right? Haha.

I couldn't get to sleep last night cause I was hungry plus was craving for sweets. =( So I got out of bed to eat a piece of peppermint choc then I slept. =)

Gotta get started on those reports now! Tata!

everyone has secrets that they don't want people to know about.

i've always been SANE.

10:30 PM

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Gah. It's been so totally boring today. Haha. Was so bored that I decided to play Neopets again. Yes, yes. I know I'm old already but who cares. I had nothing better to do. Like always, there were tonnes of new stuffs. Got addicted to this game inside called Key Quest and it kept me occupied for hours. Haha. Well, games are fun when you are winning! =P

And thanks js for chatting with me when I was bored! Good luck for your project ya?

Wanted to bake today too. But lacked this or that and I couldn't be bothered to go downstairs to buy the ingredients. I'm a true rotter! Meaning one who stays at home without stepping out of the house. Haha. Got my mum to buy butter and chocs for me so I'll see what I can do with them tmr.

Stupid toilet switch shocked me just now! Maybe cause I was too filled with water. Water is a conductor of electricity right? LOL.

Come come people. Contribute some fun webbies for me to pass time tmr.

Mum bought the super spicy squid snack back also. For those of you who love spicy stuffs, you gotta try this. Of course you have to like squid too. Oh. Prepare a cup of milk when you're eating it. Or any dairy products. They help bring down the spicy taste off your tastebuds. Of course water works too if you don't have milk or somehow you don't like milk. I downed almost 2 bottles while eating it. It's so spicy but I love it. Haha.

BENTO Squid Seafood Snack

That is the name of it. You can buy it at NTUC FairPrice or Carrefour. Maybe other places have them too but so far I've only seen them at these 2 places. The price is $1.45 each if you want to know.

Thursday faster come! I wanna get outta house already! Toodles!

why do i even bother? seriously...

i've always been SANE.

7:48 PM

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Supposed to go for movies tmr with Amanda but she changed it to thursday. Oh wells. I'm a good friend so I shall not complain. LOL. More sleep for me. Slept loads today though and finished one report. 1 down 3 more to go!! Whee~

Didn't do much today so nothing to blog about also. And I just updated about my outing yesterday so kinda sick of blogging now.


bananas and chocolates make a pretty good combo..

i've always been SANE.

10:33 PM

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Outing to the zoo today!! Very very tired now. Had been walking the entire day. Met the people at Ang Mo Kio station at 8.30am. Was slightly late cause overslept. Haha. One person didn't turn up in the end but it was to be expected. Took bus to the zoo and met Kendrew there. Couldn't get tix at the group pricing...sobs. $18...heart pain. Haha. Seriously, why is it so expensive? I think tourists' money very easy to earn. Like one drink or snacks is already $3? Damn rip off lor.
the notorious WHITE TIGERS....taking a cat nap

see the man in the cage?

the ELEPHANT was no DUMBO but was a DA VINCI!

fluffy RABBITS

fyi: they can die of shock if you drop them.

presenting...CARLOS the SEALION!

emo-ing SUN BEAR

they said people take spiders and I there taking flowers so...

I took a spider. Happy? LOL.

Kendrew on the big metal TORTOISE.

I finally got a picture of the CHEETAH after dunno how long. Grr.

UV lights are ultra cool! Look at what they do to white colour things!

Phew. Finally finish blogging. Sweet dreams ppl!

why is the blogging window so tiny?

i've always been SANE.

9:28 PM

Friday, December 12, 2008
Hehe. We went k-boxing after the movie cause we didn't know what else to do. Spent like 41 bucks just the 2 of us. Wth? Freaking ex can? The tidbit which is like just u know, nuts and crackers in a bowl, costs 6 BUCKS! Add in the gst, service charge, add all them up and u have to pay an extra $10++. So incredible. Oh wells. Anyways, joojoo sings really well. Haha. We were like freezing inside the room. Or maybe it's just me.

I'm tired and tmr still have to wake up early to prepare lunch and go to amk. Gah. 2 early mornings in a row. How...depressing. Hope I won't doze off while walking and fall into the white tigers' enclosure! [sorry. lame joke.]

Later, peeps!

Making pennies last ain't that simple.

i've always been SANE.

10:59 PM

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Been at home like a good little girl today. Tmr gonna go to the movies with joojoo. Haha. Wildchild. It's not that long ago but why is it that there's only 1 timeslot each day and not all cinemas have that show? Weird. Maybe it's not popular? Or not AS popular as the rest of the movies that are coming out. Anyways I hope the movie will be nice. =)

I don't know/remember what to blog already. So I'll be back with my cross stitch which I have been working on for YEARS. Bleahs. I know. I'm freaking slow. Whatever. Catch ya later folks. *winks*

Wish I could be more honest with myself.

i've always been SANE.

11:39 PM

Whee!! Lookie look. Me won $20 McDonald's voucher! Randomly decided to do the quiz that time and who knew I got chosen? Haha. Surprise surprise. Problem is with the collection date..18 dec. I just went to school today. Couldn't they have sent the email earlier like at noon or at least postpone the date for collection? Holidays people. Who goes to school during hols? I know I just did today but that was different! Why always so fast 1am one? Gah. Time has no mercy. I'm actually kinda tired cause I woke up at freaking 8~9am. I'm just blogging to 'share my joy' with you people. I just ate McDonald's today. I don't wanna eat it so soon again. I have this feeling that the voucher isn't gonna last long.

i've always been SANE.

12:51 AM

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Having my daily dosage of deviantART now. Been through 4000 over pictures already and there are so SO much more to go. Cause even if the other pictures are not the most popular, you can't deny that they're good too. Of course your defination of good might be different from what I think is good. How I wish I could post some of the wonderful pictures I'm looking at but I might get sued. =X I can send you the link though. If you're interested. Sorry if my posts are always so wordy with little/no pictures but I have nothing to show you. =P

In case any of you are wondering what manga am I reading [none of you are probably interested], it is Special A. Oh mi gosh. There's an anime adaptation of the manga?? I thought there wasn't any when I searched last time. Or did I?

Don't know whether I'll watch the anime. Cause I don't really like to watch shows when I know what's gonna happen next. I might turn out to be another of those 'the manga is so much better' or 'it is so different from the manga. the manga version is so much better.' I think I might understand how they feel. Like storybooks or anything you read actually, you have an image in your head to kinda visualize the story. So when you watch a movie or in this case, anime adaptation of the story, any changes from what you THOUGHT it will be like will make you reject it. Humans are like that. We don't like changes. =) Or most of us don't. Me? I prefer routine I guess. A little change [for the better of course] will not hurt either.

Till next time people!

documentaries TOTALLY rock.

i've always been SANE.

10:17 PM

In school. Supposed to do report. Don't feel like. Sleepy. Backache. Whining. I like. Me wants bed. Me wants sleep. Me says bye here and me sees you later.

me spams me post with me.

i've always been SANE.

12:38 PM

Monday, December 8, 2008
GO. SEE. THIS. It's cute. =)

i've always been SANE.

10:25 PM

Gah. Rain rain rain. It's been raining ever since I opened my eyes and it's still like drizzling. Hello? Got that much rain is it? Cannot rain all at one go must distribute throughout the entire day ar? Lucky I spent most of my day indoors. Woke at 8 cause had to reach serangoon at 11.30. Of course I was late as usual. =P Went to Noorul's house! Haha. Watched tv, talked crap then finally time for the food! Nice nice. We all ate with our hands except Jaime. She ar..very weird la. Like what the rest say, she is smart in studies but other things..haiz. Haha. Vidya's tea bread is also very nice. Cause it's sweet. Me like all things sweet. Shall remind myself to get her to teach me how to make it. After that we played monopoly. Haha. I won~

We left at around 4 cause Yieyeng had to go for work. Went PS again to look at stuff then off to arcade again! 240 at the machine this time. Could have done better. DDR was occupied again. Must go in the morning then can play. Bleahs. Oh oh. I finally bought a thicker jacket from FOX! So nice to wear. Eileen say now I sure sleep in class already. I won't ok! Hmph. =P The salesgirl helping me with the jacket looks really really familiar. Like one of the finalists in SPMP. Or maybe just someone from SP. Hmm..but I'm not very sure. Hope she didn't catch me keep staring at her. I'm not a stalker! =X

Manga time again~ ciao!

Little Nyonya is nice!

i've always been SANE.

8:59 PM

Sunday, December 7, 2008
The puzzle was fun! Though it was kinda fiddly. But no worries! The puzzle included a small tweezer so you can manage the pieces better. I want to do more!

Here's the finished puzzle:
I played around with the pic in photoshop, picasa, microsoft office picture manager, paint. Seriously, the lighting in my house sucks.

I LOVE PHOTOSHOP! <--random statement

Gonna go read my manga already. Toodles~

p.s. i blogged twice in a day! amazing~

i've always been SANE.

10:07 PM

Been browsing deviantART again. It's just so nice. So many interesting things to see and ooh-ed over. Oh oh. I found this face maker thingy there. I think it's nice. Spent a few minutes playing around with it. And here's the result:

Haha. Looks sad right? But somehow sad pictures will make me more interested than those insanely happy ones. Though have to see my mood at that time of course.

I will stay at home today and do my petite puzzle I bought on friday. Wanted to start immediately but had stuffs to do so can't. Haven't even open the wrapper. Btw, today meaning sunday. Since it's almost 2am already? I'm not even tired. Just a little headache but it's always there so I don't really care about it.

AMANDA!! TABLET!! When wanna meet again? I wanna play with it during the hols leh. Otherwise school start then no time le. Give me a slot in your oh-so-busy schedule and we go catch a movie or something. Ask tm also. She wanna go watch mad. You watch already right?

I'm off to do other stuff already. Ta~

p.s. see? i blogged. don't say i didn't hor.

i've always been SANE.

1:42 AM

Monday, December 1, 2008
Can people stop dumping Joker pictures into deviantART? Gosh. I don't get what's so nice about him. He's freaking creepy can? I wanna enjoy looking at nice pictures but he keeps popping out to scare me. Sheesh.

i've always been SANE.

1:11 AM

my BRAIN has NO SCREWS, so you can't TELL me i have a LOOSE SCREW.

SE W705 phone
nice BIG bags
more SHOES~
more NICEE clothes?


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thank yous!
|adobe photoshop|