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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I have indigestion. =( Finally gone searching for the cause cos today I 'puked' again. -.-

I have practically all the symptons. Kinda. Upper abdominal pain, chest pain [which is heart burn I guess], excess saliva [cause of my 'puking']. That's actually like half only but it's enough. I don't really wanna get any more.

Which means, I've had indigestion for quite a few years already? Chest pains started when I was pretty young. I think Pri 6? Don't know if it had anything to do with me being on a mountain peak but anyways, I remember my chest hurt so much that I could hardly move. I was like curled up on the bed. LOL. Maybe I'm more used to it now so it feels bearable?

Yay. I got indigestion. Not any heart problems. But I read that it might cause an ulcer? Eww. I don't want that. Indigestion ain't that serious right? But it sure sucks. It just feels so damn uncomfortable.

On to today's events. Reached school at 1pm to return the books. At first wanted to meet Chong at 11am but cos I slept at 3am [again], couldn't fully wake up. Kept going back to sleep. In the end told her to meet at 12.30pm but I only reached there at 1. I woke at 11am.

Off to JP after library. Didn't get a chance to properly browse through the shops when I was there the last time. It's so much bigger now! With loads of unheard before shops. Haha. Not bad. Definately better than Orchard or Vivo.

I LOVE the dress I bought today. Had a 10% off for using NETS too. Let's see..I believe the shop was called the clothes publisher. Fancy name right? Haha. Me likes.

We browsed a few more shops after C bought her sandals and guess what? The alarm at the entrance SOUNDED. Gosh. Embarrassing can? Then I asked her to walk first and the alarm beeped. I didn't trigger the alarm. Only for that shop though. We sounded the alarm for the rest of the shops too. WTH.

Anyways, we trained to Joo Koon since neither of us had been on that part of the line. Thus, we went 'sight-seeing'. Haha.

Reached home, tried my heels and gladiators with the dress and concluded that they all look pretty good with my dress. Gosh. Can I say I love my dress again?

Ok, ok. Enough of loving. I'm gonna watch my anime and go sleep already. It's really really time to sleep early. Tata people. Until next time.

you don't always get what you see.

i've always been SANE.

10:08 PM

Monday, March 30, 2009
I didn't sleep at 12am. I'm STILL sleeping at the ungodly hour of 3am. *sighs* I'm hopeless.

Was planning to go school today to return the books and meeting someone to collect my spree stuffs but wasn't feeling very well so decided to stay at home and rest for the day. Haha. Still gotta go tmr though. Zzz..

I'll go borrow more LBD books. Nothing much happened today. Pretty much the same as any other stay-home days. LOL.

Oh. My audio recording device not working. Anyone knows how to fix it? Chong, you try yours and tell me if yours works can? Thanks.

it was always about you.

i've always been SANE.

9:47 PM

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Well well. It's been a couple of weeks since I last blogged. It's not really that I don't know what to blog about, but rather, I didn't feel like blogging. I will think of what to write down in my head but the thought of blogging kinda...makes me have this -.- face.

I don't feel like blogging about what I've done these past weeks so I shall talk about books! Books ain't boring. They're so interesting! And I guess those people who hates books will roll their eyes and press the little 'x' button. WHATEVER!

For me, a good book can make you laugh, make you cry, make you fume, etc. Basically, something that you can get lost in and forget about the time. Sometimes I can stay up till 5am just to finish reading a book. Haha. I'm THAT crazy about books. But sometimes, good books are hard to find. I usually stick to authors whose books I have read and enjoyed before. But I usually finish them up fast or can't find any left. It's a relief that I picked up my very first LBD book in the school library. Been hooked ever since.

I'm currently obssessed with LITTLE BLACK DRESS books. They are a series written by different authors but I think that no matter which author wrote it, they're all equally nice. Ok, to be truthful, some of them are so-so, but usually picks up later on in the story.

In about 3 weeks, the new semester will be starting. *sighs* Time flies regardless of whether you're doing something fun or doing nothing. I still haven't accomplished my aim of sleeping before 3am. I'm actually sleeping much later these couple of days. I'll sleep before 12am today. I promise! =X *hopefully*

Eh..that's all I guess. At least I updated. Back to reading my book. My current book: simply irresistable. =D

like a moth to a flame.

i've always been SANE.

7:54 PM

Sunday, March 15, 2009
My back seeks attention and refuses to be ignored.

And how does it do that?

By torturing me of course! *grumbles*

Stupid back. I shall stay in bed 24/7 until the delivery men comes on Wednesday.

And you might just wonder what are they gonna deliver? I'm not telling! =P Maybe I'll reveal it 3 days later. Gah. 3 days later. Stress. Shall not think about it. I'm still in my happy bubble. It's at risk of bursting constantly because of a certain b***. I'm not making sense. Ignore me.

So..bought my mum a new SE phone today and re-contracted with Singtel. Blah blah blah. What else? Think nothing else. Oh wells.

Wednesday! Scary and exciting all in one morning. I'm gonna have a heart attack. If you don't hear from me then, you'll know why.


*mumbles some gibberish*

i've always been SANE.

10:53 PM

Friday, March 13, 2009
I'm tired.

like always.

i've always been SANE.

9:49 PM

Back's totally acting up but let's ignore it for now. =)

Class outing, a.k.a. BBQ today. Or rather, yesterday, to be more precise. Was late meeting the girls so they bought the stuffs first and I met them straight for lunch. Prepared the food at E's house then headed over to ECP.

The guys were still starting the fire when we got there. Seriously, I don't think they really know how to. They used 28 fire starters to start ONE fire for goodness sake. Yup, I have to emphasize on the one. Who on earth uses or need that many to start a fire? I think you can burn 28 houses with that amount. Anyways, they finally started the fire and we proceeded to cook the food. The guys sat together talking on their own and the girls did the same. So...class gathering? Right...

Anyways all the food was finished, it was time to bring on the marshmallows. Ok. We finished them before finishing the food so had to ask the guys to buy more at 7-eleven. Then we did marshmallows the way it should be done. While waiting for them to come back with marshies, we prepared a nice fire to roast them. I think it was so much better than what the guys did. Haha. Hope none of them reads my blog. If any of you are reading this, sorry but I'm just speaking my mind.

Fast foward, everything finished, they started clearing up, so we went home. It was a LONG way back. Reached home slightly after 12am, showered and surfed.

OH! Forgot to mention something REALLY interesting. We saw a guy skiing at ECP today. Imagine this. A guy, holding 2 ski poles, with rollerblades on his feet, skiing down the path. I think it was damn cool but we were too busy staring at him and forgot to take pictures. Darn.

TM, I'm including this section for you and anyone who are interested. Kinder Joy has these two small Ferrero Rocher-like chocolates in the yummy-licious chocolate that is so unique to kinder chocolates. Let the pictures do the talking. [pictures courtesy of http://anna.pise.cz/81413-kinder.html and http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kinder-Joy.jpg respectively.]

For those of you who have eaten kinder chocolates before, you will know what's the taste like. So basically, one side of the egg has the toy and the other has the chocolate. There is also a small plastic scraper for you to 'spoon' up the chocolate in the egg. I don't know if I was just unlucky, but the toy inside was really not nice. I prefer those in Kinder Surprise ones.

As for the price of these Kinder Joy eggs, you can buy them in NTUC for $1.60 each. So far I don't see them selling in boxes like KS used to. People! If you do see places selling KS, tell me! I know The Cocoa Trees sell KS in those 3-in-a-box packaging but they cost like $8+. WTH? It used to cost like $3+ in NTUC. Total rip off. NO WAY am I buying them from there.

Anyways, while I was searching for pictures of KJ, I came across this...Kinder Rabbids.


More dumb, less smart? Ok...anyways I don't think this product really exist. I tried googling for it and couldn't turn up much info.

Ok. I'm getting tired. Going to IT show with E later. Still thinking whether to buy iPod later or...something else. Something I've been waiting for quite some time. I'll think about it and see how.

Night night and sweet dreams. =)

should i?

i've always been SANE.

12:51 AM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Seriously, I think I'm too clumsy and forgetful for my own good. I can't get through a day without hitting something and always forgetting this and that.

Take today for example. I decided to boil a kettle of water as there was very little water left. So, I filled it up and turned on the stove then left it to boil while I finish watching my movie.

Well....guess what?

I finished watching the movie, felt tired and proceeded to take a nap. And yes, the water was still happily boiling away. I had totally forgotten about it. I woke up about an hour later and suddenly remembered about the kettle so I rushed into the kitchen. The water was still boiling [for about 3 hours already] but there was still a bit of water left over so I was safe.

If I had filled the kettle too full and the water boiled over, or too little and the water boiled dry, I might have never woken up from my little nap. Lesson learnt. I shall not attempt to boil water when I'm alone at home again. Mum agrees with me too.

Did I mention I almost flung my HDD to the floor? LOL. At least my mouse didn't bungee jump again today. Actually it has been a good little mouse for a few days already. *beams* It might last for at least 6 months this time round. I like those fancy mice but they're expensive and I think I will cry if they keep bungee jumping. Not enough money for their hobby. =)

IT show starts tmr! 12-15 March. I shall go look look, see see and be amazed. It is said to be the 'largest in show history' - quoted from the webby, but we'll have to see it to believe it, won't we?

And with that, I shall end today's post.

i think i have a problem.

i've always been SANE.

11:56 PM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Yesterday supposed to meet Eileen at 11am for arcade. But end up changing to 12.30pm straight at cineleisure cause I went back to sleep after I woke up and overslept. She didn't wake up either. Haha.

Kobayashi! Been SO LONG since I last ate there. The omelette seems bigger but Eileen says it's the same size. Oh wells. My memory's failing me.

Headed over to Orchard Building after lunch for the makeup lesson. It was fun! Teacher chose brown eyeshadow for me. LOL. Why am I not surprised?

Went to arcade after the lesson. Before we started on the games, we had a photoshoot. Different from camwhoring ok! We got backdrops one. Haha. Took so many pics. Played DDR, but didn't notice the machine was different. Me don't like the new one. Me wants the old machine back!

Slacked at starbucks for a while then home I go!

First day of enrolment today. Not for me of course. For the new freshies of 09/10. Their admin numbers start with 09 now! But I like 08 better. =P

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to stay till 5pm. Boring as hell. Haha. Not that I would know if hell's boring. Never been there. *shrugs*

I think guys really have very imaginative minds. LOL. Can make up the scenario and descriptions so well huh? Not that they're real or based on any facts. Haha.

Tmr can stay at home and relax already. Been going out like every day. Tiring, you know? That's all for today.

Oh. One last thing. I miss Kinder Surprise but Kinder Joy's not bad too! Yummy-licious!

sometimes i look at the sky and imagine little angels playing among the clouds.

i've always been SANE.

8:27 PM

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Today has been a great shopping trip! It's been a while since I went shopping and actually got all the things I wanted to buy. I still haven't found a nice, big bag yet but...it's not that easy to find nice bags in Singapore. @@

Collected my F21 clothes from the spree organiser before going to school to collect my book. Met our chem prac teacher and cute Poi Poi! *beams* He was like saying holidays are the best time to borrow DVDs. Teachers can say that cause they go to school everyday but students won't go to school everyday during holidays. Haha.

Met up with Eileen at Bugis for shopping! First destination: Bugis Street. Bought most our stuffs there but like she said, the clothes are very blog shop-ish. I tried on belts and she go stick her hand through the belt. While I was wearing it. -.-

Anyways, headed to Junction to eat and shop a while more before she had to go to work. She was pointing to something on my face and this couple walked pass us. The guy like 'smiled' at us when he pass by. He must have thought we were lesbians. LOL. Guys.

Went home after Eileen went for work. No music..*sobs* I remembered to take the earphones but I left it on the bed. Usually I still have my phone's earphones in my bag in case I forgot to bring my other one but while packing, I decided to take it out cause I don't seem to use it. Great. No earphones at all. It was a LONG journey home. Oh wells.

Library and food shopping tmr. I want to sleep tonight! I'm sleep-deprived.



i.need.to.sleep. but the sandman doesn't like me. =(

i've always been SANE.

8:50 PM

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Was looking through deviantART just now and came across this yummy-licious picture.

Nice right?! I feel like trying it out. Haha. Maybe I'll go buy the dyes tmr. I wonder if my whipcream is still useable?

I'm going to be house-free tmr! Hopefully. Haha. School first then shopping with Eileen. Nothing of interest today. Since I stayed at home the whole day. Again.

Oh wells. If I do go out tmr then I'll blog about it. Ciao! =]

i wouldn't have it any other way.

i've always been SANE.

9:59 PM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Get to know yourself better

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Got the linkie from XY's bloggy. True or not? Well, mostly I guess. But these are kind of generalised answers depending on which of the 3 choices you choose. Why do I say generalised? Cause I think most people fall into either one of these categories.

The Real You
  1. You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
  2. You don't really care about other people's feelings. You do things the way you want and usually think only about yourself. You are easy-going and love to have fun, but you can be irresponsible as well. You are not keen on serious discussions because they can make you remember that life isn't always about parties.
  3. You strictly follow rules, and you expect other people to be the same as well. People can get tired of you easily, as you can make them feel a little guilty about themselves. You always make decisions on your own, and can be dismissive of other people's advice. You like to be the leader in groups, but can forget to be concerned about the people you are with.
  4. Guys see you as being a thinker and a careful person. They will be really attracted to this quality in you, but you need to learn to speak your mind, otherwise people will find you too shy and quiet. Learn to relax and lighten up--it's okay to have fun sometimes. When you learn to develop your fun-loving side, guys are going to flock to your side.
  5. Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
Another quiz which I did. I think only half of it was true though.

Overall I think the quizzes aren't too bad. Quite fun and easy to do anyways and the results more or less applies. You can do it too if you want. But first you got to catch the link!

easily amused.

i've always been SANE.

10:49 PM

Monday, March 2, 2009
Today at 3am in the morning I didn't want to sleep so tried to write a story. All lights were out except for my lappy's. Couldn't get further than a few lines cause somehow I was scaring myself. LOL. I know. Wth right? Haha. It's not a scary story by the way. Neither am I going to continue with it cause the inspiration/motivation is gone and I think it's super crappy. I have no story genes in me! *sobs*

Anyways, I showered using my lamp light again. It was in the afternoon but I don't find it bright enough hence, lamp to the rescue! Lame-ness. I did try to change the light by myself but somehow couldn't get the freaking cover off so decided to wait for my mum to get home.

Mum got home in the evening and we proceed with the 'BRIGHTEN UP TOILET' operation. Trial and error, finally discovered how to get the cover off. Then I had to detach the connector from the Circline Fluorescent Tube Bulb [searched for the name =D].As usual, the stupid connector keeps crumbling into little pieces. Had to be careful so I could put it back. Attached the connector back but it keeps refusing to work when we turn on the switch. I though I connected wrongly so I tried again. And again. And again. Still didn't work. Then my mum told me maybe the bulb was an old one and brought me another one. It worked. Wth. Wasted all those time and sweat for nothing! Turns out my dad kept the old one at home for who knows what reason. Anyways I now have light for the toilet so I shall not say more.

Finally opened my sparkling juice from eons ago and drank it in a wine glass. Haha. Poured water in after I emptied the glass and tried to make the glass 'sing'. I succeeded! Heh. Pity I don't have a lot of glasses for me to play with. =P

So many accomplishments today! And all just by staying at home. Haha. I feel so...achieved. LOL.

I'm so gonna lose weight if I keep staying at home. Too lazy to eat proper food. I shall think of things to do! Plus I have to make a trip down to school some day this week. Gah.

I shall get back to my anime now. Been watching that episode for dunno how long already. Toodles!

you won't know till you've tried.

i've always been SANE.

10:08 PM

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Well, it's about time to be back since exams are over. Plus it's been exactly a month since I last blogged. Don't ask me how was my exams. Sick of that question already. All I know is that it's over and done with. Don't want to think about it anymore.

So today, like any other Sundays, was spent at home in total relaxation. Completed another of the petite puzzles which I bought quite some time ago.

I wonder if the next time I do a normal sized puzzle will I feel that it's too big? Haha. Can't really remember what's the size of a normal puzzle piece already. Anyways, guess who's come back to visit? My backache! Haha. Must be all the sneezing and coughing the other time that triggered it again. So I couldn't do the whole puzzle all at one go and it took me like half a day? But it's alright. =]

Been looking for album artworks for songs too. It's so....time consuming. Since I have like Japanese, Chinese, English, even Classicals inside and some of them, have no album names. *cries* I have to actually locate which album the song is from then I can find the artwork. Torture. I think I have some songs without artist names? Oh gosh. I still have so much more to go. But I'm bored. So I shall do it a little at a time.

Was trying to find a job the last couple of days but it's so seriously hard. Everywhere I see are admin assistants. Gosh. I know I'm picky but please don't let me force me to sit in a chair for hours saying:

Hi, this is - insert company's name -. How may be of assistance?

I don't think I can take it. Haha. Sent in a job enquiry about one of the jobs I found online but...no reply yet. Assistant Laboratory Officer. Like ITP no? Don't think we're going to get the job already, big boss. Usually no replies=rejection right?

Toilet light spoilt. *sighs* I have to change it tomorrow. Lucky I bought my lamp the other day. Otherwise I'll have to bathe in the dark. I think it feel so comfy bathing in the lamp light. It's like bathing in candle light. Seriously. Maybe..I shouldn't change it yet? *grins*

I got the white one in the end. Was contemplating between the blue or red at first. I like the red one but the blue one is more practical. Didn't include the white one in the picture cause they were using a blue bulb which I have no idea why. It practically looks unlit. Is that a word? I remember thinking one of the other lamps using the blue bulb and thought it wasn't switched on, so I flicked the switch. And realised that it was already switched on. -.- I should have taken a picture to show you how 'bright' it was.

Anyways, I asked the person, or rather Eileen helped me ask, to change the bulb in the white one to the normal one. Which is how I ended up with the most practical colour of all. White. Haha. Thanks girls for waiting for me to choose the lamp. I'm so indecisive.

Oh! I just remembered. I want to bake during the hols. I should go check whether my Brie has expired. Hehe. If you want to know what is it, you could always go google or wiki it. =D

And...that's about it I guess. What shall I do tomorrow? We shall see.

weaving my thread into the cloth of your life.

i've always been SANE.

9:56 PM

my BRAIN has NO SCREWS, so you can't TELL me i have a LOOSE SCREW.

SE W705 phone
nice BIG bags
more SHOES~
more NICEE clothes?


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