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Wednesday, April 29, 2009
SO DAMN EMBARRASSING today during the blood screening thingy. I was like working myself into a panic while waiting for my turn then within minutes, it was my turn.

The nurse was like asking me: You ready? Then I said NO. LOL. But she still kept asking. -.-

At first I thought the needle was the HUGE one she was taking out but luckily it wasn't. That was the place where she would be inserting the needle AFTER she insert the needle in my arm. -.- Can't they insert the needle into the bloody thing before putting it in my arm?

It felt weird to have something sticking into you, obviously, but after she inserted, she asked how did I feel and I was pretty surprised I can't actually feel anything. The horrible part was when she removed the needle. I cannot describe the sensation. Damn gross.

Oh. Did I mention that I was trembling throughout the entire withdrawing of blood? Then I was still trembling after that and felt like I was gonna burst into tears anytime. I felt weird when I returned back to the room. The sounds were starting to sound muffled and...I don't remember much of what happened later. I only remember the teacher asking E to buy me milo and ask me to put my head down.

Super AA. Plus my tears kept leaking out. I was controlling myself not to cry so much that I actually felt like puking. -.- I so do not want to withdraw blood again. No freaking way.

I'm damn tired. Will continue blogging tmr. Need to finish up my datasheet then sleep already. My arm hurts. =(


i've always been SANE.

8:55 PM

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
School was...I can't really remember already. Haha. But I remember we kept laughing over silly things and crapping away as usual. Then we were like saying like a couple of girls in the classes don't seem to like us. But maybe we were just being speculative. Oh wells. Not like we're very close to those people. We hardly talk to them.

Tried the new cafe's HAZELNUT FRAPPE during one of our breaks today. Hmm...it was ok I guess? Couldn't compare to outside's ones since it was my first time trying that drink. E said TCC's was better though. Oh. Something I don't like about ice-blended drinks. They don't melt fast enough for me to drink. Then I need to keep slushing them up. So mafan.

Very often, by the time I'm like halfway through my drink, I'm freezing. Haha. Plus I get brain freeze oh-so-easily. Why like most people don't get that?! WHY?!! So unfair. I think everyone should experience brain freeze at least ONCE in their lifetime. At least I will feel better. Haha.

I should go do my datasheet now. Tmr I'm gonna buy my wallet! *grins* But we have blood test after school also...darn. OH! We can go library do datasheet also. Wahahaha. Ok ok. I go do some first.


how nice it would be to lie on the grass, gaze up at the blue skies and make shapes outta clouds.

i've always been SANE.

9:39 PM

Monday, April 27, 2009
Mondays are boring. Even weeks are OMG-ingly disgusting. I totally don't get what the teacher's talking about. I'm screwed. I'm so gonna go to the library for textbooks. But whether I'll read it, that's another matter. Haha.

So we watched this movie during PoiPoi's lesson,
AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH. It was about global warming, how it's affecting Earth, how it's affecting us etc. Seriously, it's horrendous. I almost cried during the movie. Sheesh. I never would have thought the day would come when I would cry while watching a documentary. But really, it's sad.

There's this part where it says about the ice melting at the poles, and there are actually cases of polar bear DROWNING cos they couldn't find a piece of ice to rest on and they had to swim for very long distances. Sigh. Human's are really selfish creatures. They don't care about anything other than themselves. What's the use of wealth and possessions when you don't even have a planet to live in? Hold on to your safe box and float in space? -.-

Tired already. Gonna do my table, print some stuff, pack bag and sleep. Tmr's a 10hr day. *sighs* The only day in the week I can look forward to is Wednesday. But there's the blood test this week which means I'm not particularly looking forward to that. Needles are so sharp and scary. Yucks.

Let's hope I can sleep before 12am today, shall we?

Dewa, oyasumi. =)

smile and say cheese.

i've always been SANE.

10:00 PM

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Yday finally persuaded E to play the bball machine with me. But I think it was a waste of money. -.- The balls were like all so soft. Totally not worth my money and I WAS SO TOTALLY NERVOUS! Legs trembling sia. So suay that day have those dragonboat, OOPS, etc ppl there.

ANYWAYS, me and C went to AMK hub after practical to get FOX shirts but there were only the KIDS and BABY section. -.- But we did go to the arcade and play the bball machines there. There was this weird uncle watching us play. Then when we played daytona, he was kept saying 'you need to change gear' behind me.
OI UNCLE! I PLAYING AUTO LA. 本小姐 also haven't learn how to drive can?! -.-

Wanted to go make my SMIP card also. But my appearance that day.. specs plus my hair was in a ponytail from the practical. Totally not picture perfect. Shall go back some other day. I have until 2010 to make the card. Haha. I think I wanna make a nEbo card too. But I'm not sure how to go about it. I'll go search when I feel like it.

Was browsing the shops and I saw a wallet I like! But no money so couldn't buy. Went home, told my mum and she caused a fuss over it. Said it was too ex, blah blah blah. Then I got so mad till I cried. Dumbass. I didn't use to cry so easily. Later my dad gave me 50 but he thought I wanted to buy a bag. Not wallet. My mum gave me 30 too. So now I can buy the wallet and have money to eat until the end of the month.

Made a short trip to Junction 8 cos there was FOX there too. Tried the shirt but the cutting's just not right. One was just nice at the bottom, but damn tight at the shoulders. Next size was a bit snug at the shoulders, but way too loose at the bottom. And that's that. Maybe we'll buy the GAP shirts. But I think they're gonna cost more plus we can't find it everytime.

Been napping a lot today but the weather's just so freaking hot. We shifted to the aircon room to sleep. Haha. Cannot take it already. Sho sleepy. Night night people.

i get weird dreams every time i nap.

i've always been SANE.

11:59 PM

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Today's look was NERD-ish! Haha. Specs, plaits, and the constant adjusting of the specs. LOL.

Dad went Malaysia again today. He was supposed to help me collect my colour contacts but he say the person say I never order. -.- I tell them TWICE already can? Gosh. Some more not like that time got a lot of people in the store. I'll wait.

I wanna try the basketball machines in school...but no one wants to play with me. WHY?? *sobs*

Lessons were boring. New teacher was kinda weird. Napped a bit in BINSAN. Mind shut off a couple of times in Xu's lesson. Man, was I glad when lessons ended.

We saw Aloy in the MRT, or rather, he saw us and came over. Haha. Talked crap until he and Jaime alighted at CCK. Then Chong read her dictionary and I read my book. =D

I boarded the bus and when I sat down, I saw Sze Yin! Haha. So qiao. Saw her at Dover station with Joo too. Oh oh!


18 yrs old liao wor. Big girl already. Haha. Can drink legally and not protected by the law already! You should know what law. =P

Today like nothing interesting to write about. So it's pretty short. Tmr. Gosh. Another long day. Next week's gonna be a killer.


i wonder.

i've always been SANE.

9:02 PM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Today, I overslept a little in the morning. Was gonna be late so I took a cab to school. So ex. *sobs*

After lesson, E and I went to JP to shop shop. We were both broke so it was more of window shopping. Haha. But I still bought a couple of items. I hereby proclaim that I AM TOTALLY BROKE! I'll have to survive on air and water until my allowance comes next month.

My money seems so be running out so fast, even though I spent most of my hols at home. Weird huh? *sighs* Really should have gone and do any shitty jobs during the hols. At least I get SOME extra money.

I LOVE the lighting in fitting rooms. Haha. Makes my complexion looks so nice. =D

Camwhored a bit at FOX's fitting room and this is one of my fave pic!
I have a HUGE nose. =( But I don't wanna go plastic surgery it cos later if I rub my nose too hard, it'll drop. =X

Actually wanted to go arcade but I kinda didn't have the mood to play. Too tired and lappy too heavy.

I'm gonna sleep before 12am today. LONG day ahead tmr. 8am-6pm. 10 freaking hours. Can you believe it? Gosh. I thought that last semester's timetable was bad and look at this sem's! So much more worse. Even though there are lesser modules.

Nothing much to blog about already. Feeling kinda listless nowadays. RC doesn't even interest me that much anymore. Need to find something new to occupy me.

Ciao. I go stone.

what's next for me?

i've always been SANE.

6:46 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Gosh. Just now so damn embarrassing. Was gonna get off the bus cos it reached my stop already then when I stood up, I hit my head on the bar on top. That's why I don't like those higher seats. -.-

Today we had A&P2 and BINSAN. E was -.- as usual but MC was surprisingly fun! I have a new English name now. LOL. She gave one to everyone who didn't have an English name. Mine was Renée. That was like our previous CRS teacher's name. Haha. It's nice but I don't think it suits me?
I don't seem to be a Renée kinda person. But I don't really care. I'm only gonna be called that during her lesson anyways.

Jeff, who teaches BINSAN [Basic Instrumental Analysis], has a weird way of teaching. Hmm...more like...confusing? I don't know how to say. Anyways, he told us about how important it is to keep sampling containers clean. Let me share with you the story he told us.

There was this guy. He was just 21 yrs old. He had a stomach discomfort, thus he went to check up. The doctors there took a sample of his stomach tissues to examine and put it in a sampling container.

HOWEVER, the container was contaminated with the previous patient's cells. The patient was a 70 yr old man with a stomach cancer. Needless to say, they 'diagnosed' that the young man had stomach cancer and had to remove his stomach.

Of course he didn't have any cancer of what sort but just cos they didn't sterilise the container properly, he now has to live without a stomach.

And he's just 21 yrs old! Like omg. OF COURSE the hospital was sued and my teacher said he thinks they went bankrupt from the lawsuit. TDI!!

On to the next topic. Dinner at ESSENTIAL BREWS! We were having an early celebration for Suan Joo. Her birthday's this Thursday!

I think the food's not bad, but I don't really like the rice. I had the BLACKENED SALMON and when I ordered someone called me racist. LOL. I forgot who was it.

Blackened Salmon $16.95

This is Norwegian salmon seasoned with Mexican spices and herb butter. It comes with rice and garden salad.

I still don't like eating salads. Haha. I don't eat raw veggies except carrots. I tried XY's honey mustard chicken and I find it nice too. She ordered the set meal which consists of soup of the day + a drink. It's 20 bucks. The price of the food is a bit steep I think, mostly around the range of $10-20. Depends on what you order.

Tmr lesson's from 12-1pm. Plus we have to bring lappy. *sigh* Heavy can? We're going out after lessons too. I wanna do frenchie again. The polish's chipping off. Zz...

Alrights. That's all for today. Weather's effing hot!! GRR.

it's enough.

i've always been SANE.

10:16 PM

Monday, April 20, 2009
Have any of you seen the new Kinder Bueno WHITE in supermarkets? Tried it yet?
[photo taken from http://temasekpoly.files.wordpress.com]

I saw it in NTUC quite some time back and bought one to try. It was yummy-licious! The taste is similar to Kinder Joy/Kinder Surprise which is one of the main reasons why I like it. I definately prefer it over the original one cos I will get sick of eating them quite fast.

Kinder Bueno White is a thin, crispy wafer filled with delicious hazelnut cream, then coated in luscious white chocolate. The white chocolate coating is covered with ground hazelnuts and cocoa. The extra milk added to the cream filling gives a boost of nutrition to every bite. It's smooth and rich and you'll be craving more. Each package includes two individually wrapped bars.
[taken from http://www.germandeli.com/fekibuwh43g.html]

It sells for a $1+ each in NTUC. Can't remember the exact price already. But my mum bought a few more from Sheng Shiong for me and she says it costs $1.30 each there. Currently it only sells in individual packages. Doesn't come in packs of 3 like the original ones.

Anyways, on to the first day of school. New teacher: Mrs Koh. Old teacher: MR POI POI!! Haha. Koh seems nice. And Poi is as fun as ever. Haha. I LUB HIM!!

Went to subway for lunch and guess what? They ran out of bread. At 1pm. -.- The person said the bread will only be ready in an hour. SO, we headed to SPGG for bowling! Like finally, I get to bowl. Haha. None of us were wearing socks nor did we bring any since it was impromptu. But they sell socks there so we decided to just go there and buy.

GUESS WHAT? I asked the person for 3 socks and she opened the cupboard to take out.....3 MEN'S SOCKS! WTH?!! Since when did it start to sell these kinda socks? -.- Obviously we refused to wear them but since I already told the person we need them, we can't refund them back either. Oh wells. We brought them back for our men to wear. Haha.

After bowling, we went back to subway for lunch. I didn't have my honey oat bread cos it was cooling. -.- Like that also can. We ordered our food, sat, and ate. Took out first sip of the ice lemon tea. Oh my goodness. SUPER SWEET can? Don't know is it cos didn't add ice. But no choice. They RAN OUT of ice also. Then Chong said cannot go 7-eleven buy meh? Haha. Anyways, food was so so only. But oh wells. Cheaper.

Ah Bong in our class!! *screams* Haha. But his TB still with me. I need to borrow from library already. Although he said he doesn't need it. Haha.

Speaking of library...my books are overdue...maybe I'll go return them tmr. We'll see.

Recognise these little biscuits? I have like half a kg of these at home. Mum bought them for me. I wonder when will I be able to finish them. Haha. So much. I love my lamp. Good as lighting for my photos. I'm gonna create a mini 'studio' for taking macros. But I need to find the components first. Oh wells. No rush. =)

I took dunno how long to write this post. Haha. I think it's very long. I'm a long-winded person. Sue me. =P


i'm so weird. seriously.

i've always been SANE.

9:17 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Asked Isaac about the FYP thing cos I realised the email didn't come attached with the form. Then he said the admin must be lazy and sent to all DBT students. -.-

Anyways, this means I don't have to care about it already. Phew. The topics are like @@.

The muscles in my calves are like...hard now. I can feel them like contracting when I walk. My ankle hurts also. And I got this slight weird tan marks on my feet cos I wore gladiators. Haha. I think I got more tan! *twirls* Gosh. I can't stand to be called fair. As in the skin colour. Last tues saw Dacia then she was like 'Jun Hui! You become so fair! Last time you same colour as Amanda one.' Which was pretty tan. Haha. Played netball everyday last time of course tan. Lol.

Browsed through my timetable just now. So no motivation to go school on Wed. On odd week, I only have lessons from 12-1pm. I rather the lessons in the morning than plonked down in the middle of the day. Literally.

I was using my desktop while my lappy was servicing and I realised that I can't see my pretty font on my blog. Darn. Does this means everyone else can't see it too?

This is what you are suppose to see. Pwetty right? Haha. Me likes.

I've got a new card addition to my wallet and maybe having another one soon if I have the time to go down to AMK hub. Haha. I love cards. And letters, and presents, and stuffs of that genre. Lol. Random.

OH OH!! FC 5 have subway now!! OMG OMG OMG. *bounces on bed* I was saying last time why SP cannot have subway and now they do!

Last time I was wondering what they gonna open at that little corner in the FC. Haha. Now I do.

FC 5 now. I think the place now kinda like...messy. Like so many different styles. Haha. I need to see this myself to decide how is it.

I think the cafe at the library gonna open soon. They haven't send the email yet which means it's probably not done. But the last time I went to school it seems almost 80% completed. Maybe left with the interior.

I'm still tired even though I napped just now. Head kinda hurts. Maybe the way I sleep just now? Cos it only hurts when I move it. So sleepy. Early night today.

Alrights. That's it for today. Gotta print my shitty timetable and notes. Toodles!

i dunno what to do if...

i've always been SANE.

8:52 PM

I'm so proud of myself for eating 3 proper meals today at the proper times. Haha. Noodles, chicken rice and subway! *beams*

Met the guys at MacRitchie for shooting in the morning. I wasn't really gonna shoot anything much I think. Just wanted to walk walk. Haha. I got more than I wanted. The trail was so super long. Surprisingly though, I wasn't out of breath or even sweating much throughout the entire hike. Weird.

Anyways some shots I took there.

I love this scenery. Could be nicer though. But I was in the middle of the bridge and it was kinda far away. Haha.
There were lots of HUGE bees around this tree. And gosh. Was the weather good. The sky was so so blue. With wispy clouds. Ahh~

YB took this polaroid for me too. Haha. I kinda like this picture. Obviously I photoshopped it. And I know my skills are lousy. Can't be bothered.

And one of the guys! I don't know how to adjust the stupid colours. Gah. Can't be bothered with this also already. I tried. And I still think it looks better with the hand there.

My knees hurt. And my calves hurt when I stretch them. And why is my burn so dark coloured?! It better fade away soon. I think I rather have a cut than burn. They heal so much faster. Plus they rarely leave a visible mark cos they are like dotted lines? Haha. Looks that way most of the time to me.

I'm sleepy. School's starting in slightly over 24hrs and I'm so screwed if I still gonna have trouble sleeping. I don't really like half the teachers we're having this sem. Hmm...maybe they'll be nicer this time? *cross fingers, toes, eyes, etc*

Night night. It's 3.30am already. GREAT. -.-

sometimes my body can't rest cos my mind doesn't let it.

i've always been SANE.

2:16 AM

Friday, April 17, 2009
2 more days left of hols. I so totally wasted like 2 months. Initially wanted to work but couldn't find anything. So it was back to rotting for me. Wanted to go bowling and ice-skating but didn't get to do any of them at all. The other day was supposed to go bowling with Amanda but couldn't find it and TM said it closed down already. *sigh*

Food hardly interests me anymore. Most of the time I don't feel like eating and when I do eat, I don't eat much and then I get bored of eating halfway through. Lost like 2kg and haven't been able to gain them back.

I know I haven't been blogging much. It's not really that I don't have anything to blog about, I constantly think of things to write about. But I just don't have the interest to write them down when I switch on my computer. I'm currently blogging cos I'm just too bored. My lappy's at the service centre or maybe in my dad's car now. Anyways, the point is, it's not with me now. And the desktop's not good for anything at all.

I have been going out like everyday these past 4 days and it's so tiring. Hanged out the whole day with my dad yday and I felt like I was gonna drop dead on my feet. I was so effing tired. I spent 2 hrs sleeping in the car. I wonder how am I gonna keep up with the new semester. Lessons end at 6pm everyday except for Wednesdays. How fun. -.-

Plus, I still haven't choose my FYP topic. Like WTH. We haven't even officially started Yr 2 and they want us to choose AND hand in the application by 20th April, which is the start of the semester. Bunch of wackos. They didn't even give us any briefing whatsoever. Just send an email and ask us to CHOOSE.

Sighs. I miss my lappy. I totally hate my desktop. It lags, has minuscule memory space, has nothing of interest inside, and gets stuck occasionally.

Now now, what should I do? Maybe I'll bake myself a small cake and eat it. But I don't feel like eating anything. Guess I'm gonna skip lunch again. I think I have like 1 meal a day? Only cos my parents ask me what I wanna eat for dinner and they buy it for me.

I don't feel like blogging already. Bye.

there's something wrong with me and i know it.

i've always been SANE.

1:20 PM

Saturday, April 11, 2009
I really need to get out of the house.

Things are getting bad. REAL bad.

i've always been SANE.

12:47 AM

Friday, April 10, 2009
New blogskin up. What do you think?

Poll on the sidebar.

Stupid poll doesn't show. Just shout it in that box thingy at the side. There's only one boxie. It shouldn't be hard to find. -.-

i've always been SANE.

1:49 AM

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Should I change my blogskin?

Or rather, should I even bother to change it?

i've always been SANE.

12:18 AM

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Today, I watched one of the most violent movies I've even seen, which isn't all that many, Shinjuku Incident. Loads of action and apparently, it wasn't rated NC 16 for nothing. Haha. One part actually made me pukish. A first! The movies I watch mostly brings me to the grossed out part but never to the point of pukish. Haha.

Movies like those makes me glad I live in Singapore, where gang fights are few and far between. SG's gangs wouldn't stand a chance against Jap's Yakuzas for sure.

I wonder..do these fights really just break out like that in Tokyo? So like...for example, you were to go to Tokyo for holiday then you will see all these Yakuzas around? Scary. But I think I'll still wanna go to Japan one day. I love the language. It makes me feel so at home. Must be the years of watching anime.

Tried new food today. Wasn't as gross as I thought. Haha. Today was pretty fun. =)

And and! I ALMOST couldn't take out my contacts just now. Scary...*sobs*

Was it my nails? Too long? But I could take it out on Tues. I don't believe my nails grew that much longer in 4 days. And other people with MUCH longer nails seem to be able to remove their contacts too. I wonder how do they do it. Hmm..must be a skill.

My eyes are still kinda stinging from all the abuse they got just now. Ouchies~

Anyways, I'm off to do this and that before I sleep. Oh. Did I mention my left eye swelled up today? Gosh. I wonder what causes those swellings. Shall go google it later. One of my this and thats.

That's it for today. Ta!

i wish i know myself better.

i've always been SANE.

11:26 PM

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Yesterday went back to JP to exchange the pair of 4-inch heels for something shorter. Which was flats. -.-

Mum said I could change for something a little shorter like 2-inch but there weren't any nice ones. Saw one 2.5-inch one I think, which wasn't too bad but she wouldn't even let me try it. -.-

Anyways, I just wanna talk about Jap snacks. Love them! Haha. Especially those Caplico Sticks. I wonder if Mama shops still sell them? I remember the one near my aunt's house sold one box for 2 bucks.
Used to buy it after school then headed to my aunt's house for tuition during sec sch years. And and, we saw this Jap snack store at JP's basement so of course we went in. I saw Caplico! And I bought it. Thought it was $4.80 but when they scanned it, it was freaking 7 bucks. Rip off! I wouldn't have bought it if I knew it was gonna be that ex.
This was the one I bought. 3 flavours, Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry. First time trying vanilla and it was good! Haha. Not as plain as I expected. Chocolate...I don't really like it. Haven't tried the strawberry one but it should be the same as the ones I had last time. Which is YUMMY! Next time I see the 2 bucks one, I'm gonna buy loads and store at home. Hmph. Don't like that Jap store. Rip off. =X

Back to Bleach. I've started to watch it again. Haha. Exciting.

Ciao mina! [mina is everyone in jap]

thank goodness.

i've always been SANE.

7:42 PM

my BRAIN has NO SCREWS, so you can't TELL me i have a LOOSE SCREW.

SE W705 phone
nice BIG bags
more SHOES~
more NICEE clothes?


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